Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I could not fathom running a marathon. 26.2 miles to be exact. I can barely run a mile under 10 minutes and doing so makes me wheezy. My sissy's got some stamina. She did the marathon in 4.5 hours with some obstacles in the way...(runs while running if ya know what i mean). It was so awesome to see over 30,000 people running all over Washington D.C., intertwining through the nation's monuments. It was beautiful. There were people of all ages, backgrounds, and even ppl with disabilities. Their strength and endurance is truly remarkable. I wonder what goes through their minds and what they think about when over the 26 miles. What is the driving force that compels them to keep on going? Everyone's story is different.

At one point, my brother and I caught a glimpse of Annie taking a turn around the Washington monument, we darted towards her and ran by my side. My brother snapped pictures of her and I held a sign up to cheer her on. I'll keep that moment in my memory forever.

Friday, October 23, 2009

destination: Washingon D.C.

A much needed getaway. Funny, I always think that I need a vacation. Really, life isn't tough at all, but I'm just hooked on traveling and seeing different places. I remember taking my first trip to the East Coast, about 4 years ago. I HATED the flight, but over the years, it's gotten a lot better. No more need for those sleeping pills! Now, I get excited to hop on a plane, no matter how short or long the flight may be. All I know is that wherever I'm going, I'll have a great time.

So far, D.C. has been great. Right when we got here, we went to the famous Ben's Chili Bowl. I saw it on the Man Vs. Food just last week and knew that we had to try it out. It was fingerlickin' good! I really like how this place manages to keep their prices low even when it's become a D.C. landmark.

It's absolutely beautiful here. Historical monuments take me back to my grade school years where we learned about U.S. history. There are so many trees here and you can see a kaleiedescope of fall colors its leaves. I like California, but we never get to see a true change of seasons.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a weekend

Friday night was one of those unforgettable and wild times that my girlfriends and I tend to have every so often. This time, it was on Broadway, SF. It started off as a chill night, to meet my friends up for a birthday celebration (Happy Bday Suzan, Ann O. and Kristel!) I was never a fan of Broadway because it's an absolute cock fest there and it's always swarmed with cars and cops. Oh, let's not forget, parking is impossible. But Friday night, we had nothing to complain about. Found free parking within a few minutes and being that the streets had too much testosterone, we got into every club/bar for free and practically got hookups with drinks all night from the promoters and bar tenders. Sweet! We even got lured into a strip club. Broadway Showgirls was the name I think. Surprisingly, the strippers were pretty hot. We sat in their plush couches and giggled like little school girls. HAHAH. Well, maybe just MyChi and I, since it was our first time. I never thought I'd set foot in a place like that, but it was fun and I'd do it again. Anyway, the night went on, more bars and clubs and finally meeting up with the birthday girls @ Apartment 24. Pablo, the promoter gave us a dozen drink tickets, more than half of which I used to pour alchy down Suzan's throat. Man, she held her own and got "buzzed". My hero. Our night ended @ a bombass Chinese food restaurant. Gotta love New Sun Hong Kong! Next thing you know, it was 3am. What can I's always a good time with my lovers.

20 years ago...October 17, 1989. I had just come home from the babysitter's. Annie was standing next to me in the dining room when the violent shaking began. My dad grabbed us and ran outside. We hung on the swing set and were oblivious to what was going on.

You'll never forget where you were that matter how many decades pass.

2 bodies, 1 heart.

Two people put on this Earth, meant for each other. How does that work? Do we leave it up to chance to meet that one person and wait for the connection to unravel itself? Or do we take it upon ourselves to make it happen because time is ticking and that other person is conveniently there? I see these scenarios happening all the time and I wonder if there is a right or a wrong.

I can say that one person that I've met in my life happened by chance. Our relationship was never forced upon and it came as naturally as can be. At first, it didn't go smoothly, but some force of attraction brought us close and we've been best friends ever since.

She gets me and I love her to death

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Last night was one of those long, emotional gut wrenching nights. As I was driving home, I had this sudden urge roll down my window and chuck a 5 pound ceramic cupcake out into the open road. Why? was rolling around on the passenger seat floor. This boy had taken it from me some odd years ago and it was just returned. (I sculpted this cupcake back in college for a pottery class). It was just sitting in my car. What use would I have of it? It was heavy, purposeless, and excess baggage that I didn't need. I was okay without it. I haven't even noticed its absence. There was something invigorating about seeing it smash into dozens of little bits and pieces. I continued to drive off. Looking into the rear view mirror, I saw broken pieces tumbled and scattered around. A huge sigh of relief came over me. It felt so good.

Moving on, looking forward and never backward. I was motivated to clean my room today. In more preparation for the remodeling in my house. When I came home from JP, our entire kitchen had been transformed. In 2 weeks, when I leave to the East coast, more work will be done on the house, so my mom told me to pack up all the things in my room. I managed to throw out bags and bags of clothes and junk. I came across a lot of things I had forgotten about. Old letters, pictures, and keepsakes. For a moment there, I was lost in time. Reminiscing about memories and moments of the past. I kept most of it. Not sure why. What was the point? Like that cupcake, it was useless, excess baggage that needed to be disposed of.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stop. Think. Appreciate.

Did you know that yesterday, October 7, marked the 9th year anniversary of the War in Afghanistan? The day that our former idiot president Bush declared war as a retaliation of the 9/11 attack. Where were you when you heard the news of the falling Twin Towers? I vaguely remember sitting in Senor A's Spanish II class. He had the radio on and we were just listening quietly, in utter shock. Our Spanish lesson was put aside that day, as we all discussed the tragic event that took place that early morning.

It's unbelievable how American men and women are out there, fighting everyday for these past 9 years. We tend to forget this as we are all consumed by our own lives. What seems safe and quiet here on the home front, is much different overseas. Can you imagine? Living in fear every single day. Wondering when the horror will end.

I have always respected those who have risked their lives to protect our country. But when I was in Okinawa, I found an even greater respect for all of them. I never understood why anyone would want to give up their lives to be put in such a life threatening situation. It takes an incredible amount of strength and courage. One Marine explained to me what the War was really about and what they were fighting for. It's beyond the oil, "hidden weapons", and urgency to prove that Americans are not to be messed with. The reasons? Long story short...they are fighting for the common good for both sides. After some more heart felt conversations with some of the Marines on my sister's base, I understood why they made the decision in the first place. It almost brought a tear to my eye. I was happy to hear that they had the chance to experience and accomplish things that I could only dream of. I was sad to hear that some of their friends had been deployed to the Middle East...never to return again. Some have made it a life career to be active in the Marines, anticipating the next destination and excited to retire one day, to reap the benefits. Others are counting the days until they can get out and return home. Their stories, their journeys, their courage and hard work have been unrecognized and unappreciated.

Annie...if you're reading this, I'm really proud of you and I can't wait for you to come home in 3 months =)